Warning Signs of a Declining Heat Exchanger That Should Have You See a Mechanic

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Warning Signs of a Declining Heat Exchanger That Should Have You See a Mechanic

While your vehicle's heating system comprises numerous components, the heat exchanger is undoubtedly a crucial auto part that is vital for the overall performance of your vehicle. As implied by the name, this component is tasked with dissipating heat from one section of the heating system to another so that your car maintains a healthy temperature. Moreover, the heat exchanger works to ensure combustion fumes remain in the vehicle's combustion chamber.

However, the extreme temperatures that the heat exchanger is exposed to can eventually lead to the degradation of this component. Therefore, it is paramount that you know the signs of impending failure so that you can have this auto replaced sooner rather than later. Check out the following warning signs of a declining heat exchanger that should have you see a mechanic.

The heat exchanger has succumbed to corrosion

Your vehicle's heating system will produce condensation which is supposed to drain away through the condensate lines. With time, though, the condensate lines can acquire blockages due to grime collecting inside this system. If left nuked, the blockages impede the flow of the condensation, and this moisture begins to collect around the heat exchanger.

Considering that the heat exchanger is a metal component, it is only a matter of time before this exposure to moisture will lead to rust on its surface. A corroded heat exchanger can no longer function optimally, so you must have a mechanic replace this component for you. A bonus tip to consider is cleaning the condensate lines regularly so that clogs do not form inside them.

The heat exchanger has acquired physical damage

There are several reasons why the heat exchanger could become defective due to physical damages. Most commonly, old heat exchangers are vulnerable to cracks, and this is due to the gradual deterioration of the materials the component is made of. Thus, if you have owned your vehicle for several years, it is advisable to have the heater exchanger examined from time to time so you can catch normal wear and tear early.

The second reason why the heat exchanger could acquire holes and cracks is rust. Once the heat exchanger becomes corroded, it steadily loses its structural integrity and will need replacing. Lastly, overheating can also cause the heat exchanger to crack. When the heating system's filters are obstructed, there is insufficient airflow around the heat exchanger, and this causes physical damage to this component.

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Servicing Your Automobile Hello! This is a blog which will help you to gain important knowledge about servicing your automobile. No one who contributes to this blog is an expert or a professional. However, we do have a passion for everything to do with looking after cars and trucks. We know that your auto will at some point malfunction or underperform. Knowing what to do when it does can make all the difference. Read on to find out how you can prevent problems with your truck or car. We will also look at the role that professional mechanics can play in this process.

